Day 21 of #100DaysOfHomelab

June 9, 2023

Day 21 of #100DaysOfHomelab was focused around fixing some issues with my CCTV system. I use both Frigate and BlueIris for different functions. Frigate handles object detection using AI and triggers notifications through home assistant. BlueIris is what records 24/7 and is run on a dedicated machine for stability.

I was running into issues with two of my cameras that I use for a Baby Monitor. I use the Amcrest ASH-21-W for this purpose because it supports PTZ, has a Baby Monitor mode, and supports both Ethernet and Wifi. Unfortunately, Frigate was having a hard time with these cameras for the past few months and I couldn't figure out why. The logs were showing this error:

[ERROR] missing picture in access unit with size: 2563

Thankfully, this time I was able to debug it to the primary stream of those cameras using H265 instead of H264 like their sub streams do. Fix from that point was simple which was to set the hardware accelleration parameters to the h265 driver instead of h264.

hwaccel_args: preset-intel-qsv-h265

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